Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Olympic Sponsorship 2012

When one considers all the money that Great Britain are supposed to be making from hosting the Olympics. Why aren't the government and all those businesses freely sponsoring our athletes?
What a bunch of free loaders making their gains off the backs of the People and giving nothing in return, definitely NOT VERY SPORTING.
Now they're talking about a change to fundamental time, it seems it's all to do with business gains, and they stop the atomic clocks around the world to adjust the time to what they figure is correct. They say they have to do this as the Earth is not in a totally regular orbit around the sun.
I thought thing were speeding up ;).
So come the 2012 olymics, how will they be measuring the 100 metres will it be in distance over time or will it be money over people.

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Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Siege man driven to despair by job loss and extortionate council demands

Regarding the above link to news story that appeared in the evening standard on 11th january 2012;
We would like to wish Antony Heapey all the best and aknowledge people's comments that this man is one of the good guys placed under undue stress and pressure by yet again another Council that has little care for any of its residents and a government that is stealing the security of a Nation.
Antony worked with us several years ago on a few tracks. One of these tracks was called 'Save the Mother' see music video below or on you tube at
On this track Antony plays guitar and sings backing vocals.
This song is a good reflection of this man, a man who does care.