Monday, 26 December 2011
Inquest challenge refused
Friday, 16 December 2011
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Monday, 12 December 2011
Monday, 14 November 2011
Ground to air missiles olympics 2012
The new defence secretary Phillip Hammond was ask by the former defence secretary Liam Fox for assurance of a full defence of the Olympics in 2012, including the use of ground to air missiles. Philip Hammond replied that all steps would be taken to protect the Olympic games and that ground to air missiles would be used if they are deemed operationally necessary. It seems in some way they are going to procure something to happen, this is very disturbing news. There was a speculation that internal forces operating within the power systems of this country are planning a dirty bomb so they will be able to take the cash cow from the olympics without the event taking place, not sure how much gravity there is to this speculation The question is, what are we inviting people to the olympics for?
How can the UK government assure anyone's safety in an area where they may have need to use ground to air missiles?
Where will the debris fall?
Surely under health and safety this event cannot be allowed to go ahead?
Or is it that once again the people are mere fodder?
Either way it doesn't sound very inline with a World event that is supposed to bring people and Nations together in celebration
Monday, 7 November 2011
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Monday, 10 October 2011
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
New legislation that will prohibit the right to 24hr on-going protest at Parliament Square.
On September 15th the 'Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill' passed through Parliament and was granted ROYAL ASSENT. This means that it has now become law.
Clause 3 of this new law relates specifically to demonstrations in and around Parliament Square.It states that protest will not now be allowed to cover a 24hour period and be on-going. You will not be allowed any articles associated with being able to maintain an on-going presence. Articles to include tents, sleeping bags, and structures. It could presumably include umbrellas and stools if they think you intend to stay. These artiicles can be confiscated if you do not move on.
What the Act does not make clear is the harm it is trying to address. What is the justification for such severe and harsh restrictions?
Originally it was proposed that if a person defied this new restriction then an 'On the Spot' injunction could be imposed with no court hearing. Also just as alarming, non- police staff, not in unifirm could could confiscate articles associated with a persons protest. The Bill was amended and at the moment the final Act has not been printed, as I am aware. Things might have improved, though this would seem unlikely.
This Act will be open to legal challenge and it is important that people are aware of this legislation. It is not mentioned in the mainstream press and the public at large will be unaware that our great country has slid further down the slippery slope towards more oppression and control.
The legislation was rushed through during the Summer reccess.
The immediate threat to the present on-going Parliament Square Protests, is the up and comong High Court Injunction being brought by Westminster City Council for 'Obstruction of the Highway' This should start sometime in October. Keep alert to further postings,
With thanks,
Peace Strike
Parliament Square
07907 233 861
Contact email: mail@peacestrike
Friday, 16 September 2011
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
TUC Conference September 13th 2011
Ed Miliband is not with the people, he is not prepared to make a stand and openly and publicly declare that he is with the majority of the UK population who are opposed to the actions of government.
How can the “New Labour Party” be representative of the people when they are not standing up with them, they’re not questioning the validity of this government, they are not calling for a show of no confidence in government.
Miliband does not separate himself from the thieves and liars; he does not stand with the people.
Our government is being run by war criminals, this has to STOP
He and they are with the private sector
We are the public
The UK is a PUBLIC SECTOR and is the majority, this must be honoured
Labour trade union link
This government are not in the centre ground politics
The Link is the People
Miliband said the strength comes from the people on the ground, but he is not listening to them, why is this.
UK Unions have fewer rights than those in Germany, France and other places in Europe.
Miliband answered this question on UK union rights saying 15% of the private sector work in trade unions in Europe.
Brian Strutton from the GMB
Called for Miliband to support Robin Hood tax
Miliband said changes need to be made; opportunity needs to be given, real job opportunities
He went on to say government were taking away from young people and that government were not interested in the young
But still he does not call for a show of no confidence in this quango self elected government that are not acting on behalf of a majority of the UK people, this is unconstitutional, a government that has over 250 war criminals within it.
On top of this unelected government are changing the constituency boundaries so as to give the Tories a better advantage, this is unconstitutional, it has not gone to the country for a national referendum, and there has been no public consultation. But they will still look after each other because they are all in it together, whilst we the people, our voices are given no quota, therefore we must give no quarter.
The doomsday book was a way of stealing the peoples land by the Norman King William, the land is still held from the people with 1% of the UK population owning 90% of the land.
Return the land to the people; return the rule of law to the people not a Parliament that is divisive and manipulative and not fit for purpose.
The following BBC news report was typical; the media twist to the story was to say ‘It is expected in politics to get heckled’.
Whilst in truth the heckling reflected the general feeling within the room and potentially the majority of the working class, who are by fact the majority rule, all in the room knew that Ed Miliband was not listening and the government are not listening, will the next step be for a general strike?
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Let's send a clear message that we will not accept this spiteful attitude.
Southwark - not in our name - not with our money.
Follow us on twitter: @EndEvictions
BBC Link
We must protect all peoples rights, it is becomming clear now that councils are NOT acting in the interests of the people, therefore they are to be found in dereliction of their duty, it is suggested that the people should evict all councils who are not doing the bidding of the people.
The peoples tax monies should be spent on improving communities and bringing them together, this is far from the actions of Basildon and many other councils. We must unite in this fight against tyranny , repression and oppression, we are the people, this is OUR LAND OUR FUTURE, Take the gift of the present to change the day everyday to something better, together we can make the world of difference
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Be mindful of distractions
The government/s and top police officers were/are involved with Rupert Murdoch of News International, with strong suggestions of corruption, that have to date led to the resignation of two of the UK top policemen ; Met Police Commissionaire, Sir Paul Stephenson
And John Yates
As well as this, the condem unelected non people government demand unjust cuts backed by unjust laws that are affecting everyone including the police & armed forces. These unjust cuts, if they are allowed to continue with no investment into community & children’s futures will result in a desolate prospectless future. We as a Nation need integrity, truth, understanding and compassion. The top house must be set in order.
Monday, 8 August 2011
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Stonehenge enquiry
Schematic views and more information
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
The County of Wiltshire (Stonehenge World Heritage Site, Parishes of Amesbury, Berwick St James, Durrington, Wilsford Cum Lake, Winterbourne Stoke and Woodford (Prohibition of Driving ) Order 2010
The order making authority is Wiltshire Council (the Council)
Notice is hereby given that an Inspector from the planning inspectorate Mr. Alan Boyland BEng (Hons) DipTP CEng MICE MCIHT MRTPI and Assistant Inspector Mr John Wilde CEng MICE have been appointed by the Council to hold a non statutory public inquiry and to report to the Council as to the merits of the above order.
The Inquiry will be held at Salisbury Rugby Football Club, Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3SA on Tuesday 20th September 2011 at 10am.
The effect of the Order, if confirmed without modifications will be to;
1. Revoke the County of Wilts (Airman’s Cross, Winterbourne Stoke) (One Way) Order 1965, The County of Wiltshire (A344, Amesbury) (Prohibition of Right-hand Turn) Order 1992, The County of Wiltshire (A344, Amesbury) (One Way Traffic ) Order 1992 and The County of Wiltshire (A344, Amesbury) (40 MPH Speed Limit) Order 1993 and
2. To place a Traffic Regulation Order on A344 (part) and Byways Open to all Traffic (BOATS) Amesbury 11, Amesbury 12, Berwick St James 11, Durrington 10, Wilsford cum Lake 1, Wilsford cum Lake 2 and Woodford 16 (lengths as detailed below) in order to introduce a prohibition of driving to all motor vehicles at all times with an exception for access to the Stonehenge World Heritage Site Visitor’s Centre Car Park during variable hours on the A344 – from the Airmans’ Corner junction eastwards for a distance of approximately 130 metres and in particular to prohibit members of the public from using these particular vehicular highways and byways open to all traffic (BOATS) (as detailed below) with motor vehicles at any time;
i. A344 – from point approximately 130 metres east of the Airman’s Corner junction to its junction with Amesbury BOAT 12
ii. Amesbury BOAT 11 – its entire length from its junction with the A303 to the Wilsford cum Lake Parish boundary, an approximate length of 611 metres.
iii. Amesbury BOAT 12 – from the Wilsford cum Lake Parish boundary crossing the A303 and the A344 to the Durrington Parish boundary, an approximate length of 1884 metres
iv. Berwick St James BOAT 11 – its entire length from its junction with Woodford BOAT 16 at the Woodford Parish boundary to the Wilsford cum Lake Parish boundary, an approximate length of 1009 metres.
v. Durrington BOAT 10 – from the Amesbury Parish boundary to a point south of the access road to Durrington Down Farm, approximately 230 metres south of the junction with Fargo Road, an approximate length of 328 metres.
vi. Wilsford cum Lake BOAT 1 – its entire length from the Berwick St James Parish boundary to the Amesbury Parish boundary, approximate length of 1615 metres.
vii. Wilsford cum Lake BOAT 2 – its entire length from Hill Plantation to the Amesbury Parish boundary, an approximate length of 3080 metres.
viii. Woodford BOAT 16 – its entire length from its junction with the A360 to its junction with Berwick St James BOAT 11 at the Woodford Parish boundary, an approximate length of 122 metres.
The Order if confirmed without modification will also exempt invalid carriages and vehicles issued with a valid permit. The rights of access for emergency vehicles and the private rights of access for agricultural vehicles will remain unaffected.
Copies of the Inquiry Core Documents which include those giving detailed particulars of the Order are available for inspection at the offices of Wiltshire Council, 37 Endless Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 1DP between the hours of 0900 and 1700. Some Inquiry documents can also be viewed online at the Inquiry website at http:/
Any person who wishes to make any written representations relating to the Order for consideration by the Inspector must send such representations to the Inquiry Programme Officer – Mrs Helen Wilson at 32 Pennyford Close, Brockhill, Redditch, Worcestershire B97 6TW or by email
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Trespass on a designated site, the Houses of Parliament Section (128) SOCPA 2005 on 8/9th September 2010.
Westminster Magistrates Court, Horseferry Road, London at 10.00am
Protesters Maria Gallastegui and Seamus O'Colgan scaled the House of Commons last year in order to highlight the important debate concerning the on-going war in Afghanistan. They unfurled "TROOPS HOME" banners and proclaimed it to be an illegal immoral war, aimed at predominantly innocent unarmed civilians. This was a real opportunity to change the course of the war, had MP's the will and courage to vote for withdrawal.
Meet outside the court for 09.30
Peacestrike Campaign
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
June 30th
Since the storming of Millbank towers by thousands of students on 10 November last year and the school walkouts and university occupations that culminated in more than 500,000 trade unionists taking to the streets on 26 March – the much talked-about co-ordinated day of strike action promised by the trade unions has finally materialised.
The 30 June strikes (or J30) may turn out to be the most important step forward in the fight against public sector cuts and the wider austerity measures planned by the coalition. About 750,000 workers will be involved, from teachers to jobcentre staff to civil servants and other public sector employees.
Some in government – most recently education secretary Michael Gove – have characterised the strike as an attack on "ordinary people", in particular "hardworking" parents who will be inconvenienced by school closures. Gove went as far as suggesting that parents act as strikebreakers, babysitting children in schools to keep them open.
He may find his appeal falls on deaf ears. For although it is true that many workers are not in trade unions, and that for them striking is not an option, cuts and wider austerity measures impact on us all, and there is widespread sympathy for the strike. The government and employers will try to manipulate the supposed divide between those in unions and not in unions, between paid and unpaid workers, and public or private sector employees, but many people understand that divide is false.
In May a group of us who had been radicalised by recent anti-cuts actions called an open meeting, advertised through Facebook and Twitter, to discuss how people who were not unionised workers could support the strike action. The purpose of the meeting was to see how we could deepen the strike and make it appeal to many more people, making it a day to link up all those fighting against the cuts and wider austerity measures. More than 100 people turned up: parents, carers, non-unionised workers, unemployed and precarious workers and a group of Spanish "indignados" who have been, since 15 May, holding protests outside the Spanish embassy in London. This meeting became the first "J30 assembly".
Since then the concept has gone viral, and similar assemblies have been popping up across the UK including Leeds, Birmingham, Norwich and Oxford. The call to "generalise the strike" has clearly resonated with people as it suggests we all have a stake in these struggles and the strike is for all of us. The use of social media tools in this new movement have meant that ideas travel further, drawing in new and younger participants, many of whom have never been involved in a trade union or in workplaces that are unionised.
Across the country trade unionists will be on the picket lines, and we think it is crucial that as many people as possible show their support on the day. Therefore J30 assemblies have called for mass support at every picket line, and we are spreading the word with our website,
Information has been crowdsourced via Twitter in an attempt to list as many locations of pickets, rallies, actions and marches in the lead-up to the day. UK Uncut activists will also be out in force, and have organised a "big society breakfast" for the morning. In Manchester a "J30: Wage rage!" protest is happening at the Welfare to Work Convention at the Manchester Central convention centre. In New Cross, London, a "strike party street party" has been organised for 10am outside Deptford town hall with many early morning picketers and supporters heading to central London afterwards to join the trade union march to Westminster. Later on there will be a mass strikers' assembly outside parliament supported by London-based Spanish indignados and Greek aganaktismenoi. School walkouts and marches have also been planned to link up various workplace pickets with each other.
The student movement, and the numerous autonomous and creative groups like UK Uncut have led the way. The J30 assemblies continue with this spirit in the lead up to 30 June with the intention to generalise the strikes across the UK, bringing trade unionists, students and unemployed workers together and making the case for a united show of force on 30 June.
Friday, 24 June 2011
Monday, 20 June 2011
Lawful Industrial Action (Minor Errors) Bill 2010-11
2nd reading: House of Commons 14.10.2011
Latest news on the Bill
This Bills Second reading debate was on 22 October 2010 but ran out of time. It is expected to resume its Second reading debate on 14 October 2011.
The Bill was presented to Parliament through the ballot procedure on 30 June 2010. This is known as the first reading and there was no debate on the Bill at this stage.
This Bill is a Private Member’s Bill. These are often not printed until close to the Second reading debate. If the text is not yet available here and you wish to know more about this bill, please contact its sponsor, John McDonnell.
Summary of the Bill
The Bill proposes reducing regulatory burdens on trade unions in relation to the balloting and notice requirements for lawful industrial action.
It would extend the provision for small accidental errors contained in section 232B of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.
The burden of proof in applications by an employer to restrain strike action by injunction would be changed, so that the employer would have to show that the union has failed to achieve 'substantial compliance' with the ballot and notice requirements.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Barcelona Brutal Police Eviction - Catalonia Square
This is a direct violation of these Peoples human and civil rights.
"We are reluctant to use force, but when our interests and values come together, we know we have a responsibility to act...
"We will stand with those who want to bring light into dark, support those who seek freedom in place of repression, aid those laying the building blocks of democracy."
Human Rights Act
The Human Rights Act 1998 gives further legal effect in the UK to the fundamental rights and freedoms contained in the European Convention on Human Rights. These rights not only impact matters of life and death, they also affect the rights you have in your everyday life: what you can say and do, your beliefs, your right to a fair trial and other similar basic entitlements.
Most rights have limits to ensure that they do not unfairly damage other people's rights. However, certain rights – such as the right not to be tortured – can never be limited by a court or anybody else.
You have the responsibility to respect other people's rights, and they must respect yours.
Your human rights are:
• the right to life
• freedom from torture and degrading treatment
• freedom from slavery and forced labour
• the right to liberty
• the right to a fair trial
• the right not to be punished for something that wasn't a crime when you did it
• the right to respect for private and family life
• freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and freedom to express your beliefs
• freedom of expression
• freedom of assembly and association
• the right to marry and to start a family
• the right not to be discriminated against in respect of these rights and freedoms
• the right to peaceful enjoyment of your property
• the right to an education
• the right to participate in free elections
• the right not to be subjected to the death penalty
If any of these rights and freedoms are breached, you have a right to an effective solution in law, even if the breach was by someone in authority, such as, for example, a police officer.
Acknowledging that further discussions and details on points and wording for points 4 -26 need to be worked out and voted for by the People.
Some of the 4 -26 remaining points, once finalized through the People will be able to be carried out swiftly; others will logistically take a bit more time.
We cannot change the World in a day, but we can change our Country and give control back to the People.
The People’s Charter
1. We the People are demanding the common law of the land apply within parliament with a fully transparent and a just system favouring democracy of the people, whereby the government and police are held to account for their actions against the people.
2. We the People are demanding that members of parliament appointed and acting on behalf of the people shall have no other vested interest other than that of the people.
3. We the People are demanding an end to injustice.
As mentioned there are other points, but these first 3, if applied would be a staring point for a reality check. We are in NOW TIME, a time for real change.
Make the 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th of March a new leaf in the history books, where no one is getting burned and no one is being left out.
Freedom, to assembly is a God given right and does not require permissions from anyone, who ever they may be.
The Police need to step up and honour there pledge/oath. If this was done it would be followed by the arrests many MPs for a growing list of irregular activities, including one of "War Crimes" as laid down in the Geneva Convention
A self elected quango government cannot be allowed to use the police to protect it from the will of the People. We wish for peace, but for this to happen, the law must be seen to be done. At the moment there is little difference between security firms being hired to protect elitist, and the Police being used to protect MPs and their criminal activities, who continue to pervert the course of justice, society and the will of the People.
Police should use integrity and honour and step up to the mark. The mass of the UK are not only against the self elected government, but also the unjust cuts being placed upon them by MPs and Councils. As ONE We are all calling for credibility and just laws, not laws specifically introduced to protect those who continue to flout the people's will and the laws of the land.
It is within you, me, every man woman and child. It is 2011, if everyone can get on the same page, and realise that collectively, we're all on the same planet. We must all wake up to the fact that its resources are finite when symbiotic relationships and protocols are ignored
Friday, 27 May 2011
Monday, 23 May 2011
World Peace Presence, Peace Presence @ PArliament Square London
Simon went to court the following day, where he was given a £200 fine, 18 days Wandsworth Prison, respect to all peace bringers and sharers
We call for an end to injustice, corrupt politicians and repression. We call for all people to wake up to the potential goodness of life and kind. We call for an end to tyranny, we call for all the people of the world to unite in solidarity and defiance, we are all
Read all about it.... and spread the word
Westminster Peace Presence
(The first weekly 24hr Westminster Peace Presence commenced Sunday 22nd May @ 6 p.m it was planned to continue through to 6 p.m on Monday 23rd. However, @ 8am On monday 23rd May 2011, on behalf of the GLA and Boris Johnson, the security once again used physical force to move the people off of the land)
The first WPP was held on a piece of land at Parliament Square, Westminster (a piece not caged off by the large infamous harris fencing.
The purpose of the WPP is to actively promote peace and an demand an immediate end to the British government's policy of war. The government's wars continue to cause the deaths of innocent lives everyday in countries including Afghanistan and Libya.
Monday is a working day in the heart of the British government's offices. The WPP provides a great oppurtunity to peacefully alert government servants, citizens and everyone else to the harm that is being caused by the government and the urgent priority that policies of war must end now.
At the initial meeting of the WPP which took place on Parliament Square on Sunday 15th May, it was agreed that
all participants of the WPP should aspire to behave peacefully.
to adopt transparency and refrain from secretive behaviour.
Meetup info
Meet at the Trafalgar Square Anti-Cuts Occupation from 3 p.m onwards (usually in the middle of Trafalgar Square) on Sunday. There will be an open mic and discussions of the struggle for freedom in North African countries. At 6 p.m participants of the WPP will go to Parliament Square to setup the camp. If for whatever reason we are unable to camp on Parliament Square (E.G: if the fence is extended) then another location will be chosen nearby.
What to bring
Bring a tent and a sleeping bag (or other suitable equipment). Also please bring food to share.
If you can bring...
Banner making materials, paints, paintbrushes, pens, flags, musical instruments, fluffy bunnies. Fluffy bunnies should be accompanied at all times.
If you have any questions about any or all of this, please email:
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Vote for Radfax | SupaJam's Fast Track to Hop Farm 2011 Entry
Monday, 16 May 2011
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Monday, 11 April 2011
Friday, 8 April 2011
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
SOS Save Our Services, save the kids futures
Junior & Senior WAC need you now!
Both projects have been cut by Arts Council and we will no longer receive £103,000 per year which we applied for to run these programmes. We need all our students and their families to support us now.
From April 2012, we will now receive no funding from the Arts Council. And yet Junior and Senior WAC bring the arts to 100s of children and young people, most of whom wouldn't have access to the specialist teaching and facilities we have built up over the years.
Without Junior and Senior WAC 100s of children and young people will be denied their right to experience the joy of the arts. . The report from ACE states ‘(WAC’s) list of alumni is impressive and the scale of delivery makes it an important contributor in delivering training opportunities to children and young people with least opportunities.’ And yet they still cut us!
We need everyone to support us - with your help we can save these projects for the future.
For more information
Monday, 4 April 2011
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Stop Them taking your history and future
View Save Our Forests in a larger map
Job cuts, EMA cuts
Education cuts, lack of investment into future jobs for the people.
Excessive unaffordable house prices, the lack of social housing, coupled with over priced rents charged by landlords, low wages, 20% VAT, Poll Tax ( where’s the community in that charge?)
The continued dilution of the NHS, with private health companies hiring NHS operating theatres leading to private companies competing for space and time with NHS patients. The NHS belongs to the people it is the people’s right to access the best health care.
The sale of the people’s lands is a very worrying development, with forests being sold throughout England to the highest bidders, open to foreign investment and private companies.
These forests are part of our heritage
We are rational people with the hearts of lions.
We all know the truth of what exactly is going on within our country.
This great injustice forced upon us.
It is “Now Time” the time for all of Britain United to say NO under one umbrella. This daylight robbery and unaccountability to the people by politicians, government officials, Law Lords, councils and the banks cannot be allowed to betray both people and country.
Word up for 2011
We are all in "Now Time" 2011
Increasingly around the World we are seeing many more people rising up and fighting against oppression from their so called leaders of the People.
So far this year 2011 Tunisia's People have stood united in their fight against tyranny and injustice. Rightfully the people demand their rights to autonomy and justice.
In recent weeks we have seen the youths and adults of Egypt take to the streets to demand their rights as people. Though little is mentioned of Iran, people are still marching and fighting against their oppression.
If we look around the world we will see the people are waking up, and standing up against tyranny, oppression and injustice.
Can you feel the force?
Stand up and be counted individual in you, strive for all that is your best.
United with all we are on the front line and we must lead by example as a democracy and resist cuts and irregular/illegal activities by the governments.
We must not allow our heritage to be stolen and sold off so that the fat cat's gets fatter. All we, as people, have fought and strived for cannot be allowed to be blatantly thrown onto the scrap heap.
We must unite to fight for what is right.
Banks must be forced to pay back all bonuses paid out since the economic crash last year 2010.
The Government must allow the people their rights to fairness and justice
If we want change, then we must be the change we wish to see.
1.Sign the “New” People's Constitution where all are held accountable to the people
2.A fully transparent system run by the people for the people with the environment taking the lead
3.Network this call to all.
For further information on proactive movements for positive change, and other activities please see the following links;
Substantial change needed
Bonus season £81 billion in public sector cuts
Meanwhile banks are set to once again increase their bonuses
RBS government
Public share holder £65 billion pounds input to keep bank afloat
Square mile banker’s banquette ball for charity
Champaign Boris Johnson, says banks need to step up to the new measures to stop the bonus culture, but bankers say they care not that people do not trust them and will not moderate their bonus structure.
£640,000 topped up with £1 million, this years bonuses said to reach £7 billion pounds.
20,000 jobs lost in Lloyds banking jobs.
Redundant staff felt that they were failed by their employees.
50,000 job losses in financial sector
Gerant Anderson talks money and the ruthlessness involved with little or no risk to bankers. This encourages reckless gambling with monies.
70% of the public have no trust in banks or bankers.
After treasury enquiry £8.3 million given to top boss
RBS deputy given 13.5 million pension pot, now works for another company owned by RBS
75% people are not happy with the lack of accountability and responsibility of banks.
Integrated finance cost the public many billions of pounds
Bankers who made bad decisions should not be employed in this sector, these are failed bankers.
If people want to see public investment as a good investment in banks then why do banks continue to give the funds away in bonuses?
Tens of thousands of people affected by banks
Crisis not over £81 billion public sector cuts
With public owning a large percent of RBS and Lloyds how many bankers receive more than £1 million pound, RBS has set aside 2 billion for bonuses
Lloyd paid out £200 million in bonuses last year.
$142,000 prime ministers wage
Bankers earn 6 – 8 times more than the prime minister
Bankers are paid offensive amounts of money
Even a 50% tax didn’t curb the bonus culture
It was set as a one off tax; this has been replaced by a banking levy resulting in less that 10% of the banks revenue being used to pay back public monies.
January 29: NUS, UCU and TUC rally in Manchester
The National Union of Students and the University and College Union have joined the Trades Union Congress to organise A Future that Works: National Rally for Young People in Manchester on January 29. According to the NUS, the protest is aiming to highlight youth issues, including access to education, the scrapping of the education maintenance allowance (EMA) and youth unemployment.
January 29: London national demo
The National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts and the Education Activist Network have organised a demonstration the same day as the NUS-backed rally in Manchester to provide a London focus for demonstration. While the UCU have backed both demos, NUS president Aaron Porter has criticised the demo as ‘unhelpful’, calling it ‘the wrong tactic at the wrong time.
March 26: NUS and TUC spending cuts demo
The NUS and TUC will join forces again in March for a demonstration against the spending cuts. March for the Alternative: Jobs, Growth, Justice will see both groups marching to a rally in Hyde Park calling for a Robin Hood tax on the banks, the closing of tax loopholes and policies for jobs and green growth.
The Government has also been charged with acting unreasonably after it took £250 million from Servicemen’s allowances but failed to deal with bankers’ bonuses.
Legislation’s that are being debated that will effect a majority of British citizen’s
Ask Her Majesty’s Government what is their policy regarding the growing gap between the rich and the poor in the United Kingdom.
Ask; whether they have any plans to limit bonuses to be paid to senior Royal Bank of Scotland staff.
Ask the to call attention to the language and terminology used in the House of Lords and their impact on public understanding of the work of the House
Ask what plans they have to offer support to 16–18-year-old students in full-time education.
Ask what steps they are taking to improve corporate governance and accountability with respect to social and environmental issues.
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Prisoner's get the vote
The question being debated
"Whether Parliament will comply with rulings from the European court concerning a Prisoners rights to vote.
International human rights
The right for prisoners to vote
This is fundamental right, if we look at Emily Pankhurst and the suffragette’s movement, they were demanding justice. For their actions and belief's they were criminalised and imprisoned.
We musts stand united, less they make us all criminals.
If people who stand up against tyranny and injustice become silenced by the unjust and their decisions, then they will become criminals.
If the argument is against serious perpetrators of crime being able to vote, then we should also look at the government and its crimes against the people and humanity who are asking for your votes.
We need a full and transparent referendum on all points, not just those that a quango government decides we can vote on.
There is a minority deciding the rights of the many, and in too many cases they are choosing to do this without consultation or transparency.
These are truly the bias and unjust and ignorant.
Do not allow the war criminals and their minions to shut your minds and mouth's
Friday, 28 January 2011
Rallies 2011 stand united for the people
the protest is aiming to highlight youth issues, including access to education, the scrapping of the education maintenance allowance (EMA) and youth unemployment.
January 29: London national demo
The National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts and the Education Activist Network have organised a demonstration the same day as the NUS-backed rally in Manchester to provide a London focus for demonstration.
The day after the London and Manchester demonstrations.
March 26: NUS and TUC spending cuts demo The NUS and TUC will join forces again in March for a demonstration against the spending cuts. March for the Alternative: Jobs, Growth, Justice will see both groups marching to a rally in Hyde Park calling for a Robin Hood tax on the banks, the closing of tax loopholes and policies for jobs and green growth
Parliament Square was part of the Gorshedd Treaty. It is a place for the people to hold free assembly and festivities
Please see;
What gives these people the right to stop your rights?
See Part 3
Parliament Square Garden and surrounding area

Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Mass Rally Sat 6th January 2011 Plus more

The NUS and TUC will join forces again in March for a demonstration against the spending cuts. March for the Alternative: Jobs, Growth, Justice will see both groups marching to a rally in Hyde Park calling for a Robin Hood tax on the banks, the closing of tax loopholes and policies for jobs and green growth.
2. fully transparent system run by the people for the people with the environment taking the lead
· Data Protection Act 1998
· Disability Discrimination Act 1995
· Consumer Credit Act 1974
· Health and Safety at work etc. 1974
· Children Act 2004
· Employment Rights Act 1996
· Environmental Protection Act 1990
For further reading see following link;
*Lord Hoyle to ask Her Majesty’s Government whether they have any plans to limit bonuses to be paid to senior Royal Bank of Scotland staff.
Tuesday 8 February at 2.30pm
*The Lord Bishop of Chester to ask Her Majesty’s Government whether they will review the rules for reporting the arrest and questioning of individuals by the police before they are charged with any criminal offence.
*Lord Smith of Clifton to ask Her Majesty’s Government what is their policy regarding the growing gap between the rich and the poor in the United Kingdom.
*Lord Pearson of Rannoch to ask Her Majesty’s Government whether they will exercise their right to opt out of the police and justice provisions of the Lisbon Treaty after 2014.
†Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (Codes of Practice) (Revision of Codes A, B and D) Order 2011 Baroness Neville-Jones to move that the draft Order laid before the House on 17 November 2010 be approved. 9th Report from the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments and 14th Report from the Merits Committee, considered in Grand Committee on 25 January
†It is expected that the Grand Committee on the Energy Bill [HL] will continue at 3.30pm in the Moses Room and that it will conclude.
Motions for Balloted Debate
†Ballot on 15 February for debate on 10 March. Time limit 2½ hours
Lord Kirkwood of Kirkhope to call attention to the language and terminology used in the House of Lords and their impact on public understanding of the work of the House; and to move for papers.
Lord Rodgers of Quarry Bank to call attention to the interim report of the Hutton Review of Fair Pay in the Public Sector; and to move for papers. Lord Desai to call attention to measures to alleviate poverty at home and abroad; and to move for papers.
Lord Turnberg to call attention to proposed new funding arrangements in the National Health Service; and to move for papers.
Lord Norton of Louth to call attention to the case for making greater use of pre-legislative scrutiny; and to move for papers.
Baroness McDonagh to call attention to the levels of electoral registration; and to move for papers.
Lord Kennedy of Southwark to call attention to constituency boundaries for seats in the House of Commons; and to move for papers.
Lord Hylton to call attention to Israel’s compliance with international law; and to move for papers.
Baroness Taylor of Bolton to call attention to the level of co-ordination between Government departments on the use of soft power in the interests of the United Kingdom; and to move for papers..
Lord Dykes to call attention to the current position of the print media market and to the supervision of newspapers published in the United Kingdom; and to move for papers.
Baroness Browning to call attention to the procedures used to assess for benefits those on the autistic spectrum, those with learning disabilities and those with mental health conditions; and to move for papers.
Lord McColl of Dulwich to call attention to obesity and its implications for public health in the next decade; and to move for papers.
(Why aren’t gyms free?)
Select Committee Reports
The date on which the report was published is in italics
Lord Carter of Coles to move that this House takes note of the Report of the European Union Committee on Adapting to climate change: EU agriculture and forestry (8th Report, Session 2009–10, HL Paper 91) 30 March 2010.
Lord Sutherland of Houndwood to move that this House takes note of the Report of the Science and Technology Committee on Setting priorities for publicly funded research (3rd Report, Session 2009–10, HL Paper 104). 1 April 2010
Lord Broers to move that this House takes note of the Report of the Science and Technology Committee on Radioactive Waste Management: a further update (2nd Report, Session 2009–10, HL Paper 95). 25 March 2010
Other Motions for Debate
Lord Lucas to call attention to the place of trust in society; and to move for papers.
Questions for Short Debate
Time limit 1 hour or 1½ hours
Lord Willis of Knaresborough to ask Her Majesty’s Government what plans they have to offer support to 16–18-year-old students in full-time education.
Lord Harrison to ask Her Majesty’s Government what steps they are taking to improve corporate governance and accountability with respect to social and environmental issues.
Lord Grocott to ask Her Majesty’s Government what is their assessment of the operation of proportional representation for elections to the European Parliament.
Lord Harrison to ask Her Majesty’s Government what steps they are taking to improve corporate governance and accountability with respect to social and environmental issues.
Baroness Morris of Bolton to ask Her Majesty’s Government whether they will support the United Nations International Year of Youth; and, if so, how.
Lord Dykes to ask Her Majesty’s Government how they will work with the government of the United States to ensure that Israel complies with United Nations resolutions and international law.
Lord Greaves to ask Her Majesty’s Government what measures they propose to encourage people to participate in the Big Society.
Lord Norton of Louth to ask Her Majesty’s Government what consideration they have given to establishing a Royal Commission on the law governing drug use and possession.
Lord McKenzie of Luton to ask Her Majesty’s Government how they will implement the recommendations in the Common Sense Common Safety report by Lord Young of Graffham.
Baroness Benjamin to ask Her Majesty’s Government what action they have taken to reduce the number of imprisoned mothers with their infants; and what alternative plans they have to address this situation.
Baroness Greenfield to ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of the impact of digital technologies on the mind.
Baroness Wheeler to ask Her Majesty’s Government what plans they have to address variations in health and social care support for people after stroke identified in the Care Quality Commission’s special review, Supporting Life After Stroke.
Questions for Written Answer
Lord Taylor of Warwick to ask Her Majesty’s Government what is their response to the report by the Alzheimer’s Society which found that inadequate care is resulting in patients being admitted to care homes sooner than necessary. HL6234
Lord Taylor of Warwick to ask Her Majesty’s Government how their spending cuts will affect funding for cancer research. HL6238
Lord Alton of Liverpool to ask Her Majesty’s Government who will be responsible for the statutory duty to collect and record data on fertility treatments which take place in the United Kingdom following the abolition of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. HL6242
Lord Ahmed to ask Her Majesty’s Government how many alleged paramilitary-related murders, attempted murders and other terrorism-related offences in Northern Ireland and other parts of the United Kingdom remain unsolved; and how they decided to end investigations into those crimes. HL6247
For more see;
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Women Protest Against Police Deception and the people's Charter
Location: Outside Scotland Yard 8-10 Broadway, Westminster, SW1H 0BG
Women come together for a blockade of Scotland Yard, in protest at political policing and in solidarity with all women who have been exploited by men they thought they could trust.
On behalf of these women, and many others
We demand that the police make public the names and identities of all other undercover offices that have worked or are working to infiltrate movements for progressive social change, so women can know whether they have also been abused by the state, and can decide whether to join other women in considering legal action against the police. It is likely that the police officers and their superiors have committed the criminal offence of misconduct in public office, which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. We demand a fully independent judge-led public inquiry into policy spying. We have no trust that the police can regulate or investigate themselves. Their actions show that they think that they are above the law. This is a dangerous situation that undermines democracy. Please pass on to your friends, mums, colleagues and fellow activists
You can also follow:
For more information on things that concern you see;
The 26 Points
1. We the People are demanding The law of the land apply within parliament with a fully transparent and a just system favouring democracy of the people, whereby the government and police are held to account for their actions against the people.
2. We the People are demanding that members of parliament appointed and acting on behalf of the people shall have no other vested interest other than that of the people.
3. We the People are demanding an end to injustice.
4. We the People are demanding an end to illegal wars.
5. We the People are demanding banks give their bonus money back and return monies borrowed from the public purse.
6. We the People are demanding that all Mp's pay back their expenses claims, any members who are shown to have claimed more than 10,000 in any one year will be sacked unless just cause can be shown as to why it was so excessive.
7. We the People are demanding that banks stop operating as high profit businesses, and stop investing in non sustainable assets. Furthermore that 50% of their gross profits will be directly reinvested to benefit all people and the environment.
8. We the People are demanding an end to mortgages.
9. We the People are demanding access to affordable houses and housing for all
10. We the People are demanding all taxes that are raised from petrol and diesel will be invested in renewable energy
11. We the People are demanding all taxes raised from motorists will be used to invest in cheap affordable green transport.
12. We the People are demanding where public monies are spent, or public assets are sold, full and transparent consultation will take place with the people and in favour of the people's needs and wishes.
13. We the People are demanding that all future investments of public funds will be for the benefit of all people and the environment
14. We the People are demanding an end to corporate control.
15. We the People are demanding an end to oil exploration
16. We the People are demanding an end to Poverty
17. We the People are demanding that a cap be set on maximum wages, whereby people earning over £100,000 a year will be taxed at 100% on anything above that thresh hold.
18. We the People are demanding that all businesses with a gross profit exceeding 1 million pounds must show that the rest is invested in sustainable growth, or given to the treasury to be reinvested in the country.
19. We the People are demanding that all revenues taken in taxes will be just and fair, furthermore that these taxes will be used to benefit all people and the environment.
20. We the People are demanding investment and a realistic holistic approach to all self sustainable environmental innovations and practices.
21. We the People are demanding jobs for now and the future
22. We the People are demanding a free education for all
23. We the People are demanding an end to Homelessness.
24. We the People are demanding investment into renewable energies
25. We the People are demanding all industry becomes green, investing in sustainable holistic practices including green energy, methods in sourcing, production and the recycling products from start to finish.
26. We the People are demanding an end to nuclear energy
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Students EMA Rally London January 19th 2011
All children’s future's are at risk
Risk assessment;
EMA cuts
Job cuts, education cuts, lack of investment into future jobs for the people.
Excessive unaffordable house prices, the lack of social housing, coupled with over priced rents charged by landlords. Low wages, 20% VAT, Poll Tax (where’s the community in that charge?)
The continued dilution of the NHS, with private health companies hiring NHS operating theatres leading to private companies competing for space and time with NHS patients. The NHS belongs to the people it is the people’s right to access the best health care.
The sale of the people’s lands is a very worrying development, with forests being sold throughout England to the highest bidders, open to foreign investment and private companies.
These forests are part of our heritage
Soaring interest rates yet to come.
Every year the people are paying out more and more to councils, government, private firms and the like, whilst getting less and less in return for their efforts.
And the public’s assets continue to be sold off without referendum or consultation with the people.
We are not dogs who sit by a masters table waiting for scraps whilst the wealth of the families and lands are being sold off along with integrity and honour.
The actions of these elitists is against the people and therefore unacceptable, and if any Royalty want the full support of the people, then it is their duty to give light to such things and openly denounce this unjust self imposed government where quango leaders insist on handing to the people an unfair and unjust system where children’s future’s along with so many others are so blatantly being smashed up and destroyed.
It is as clear as the light of day that those who profess to be in power do not have the people’s best interests at heart. We must remember that the true power is with the People
We are rational people with the hearts of lions.
We all know the truth of what exactly is going on within our country.
This great injustice forced upon us.
It is “Now Time” the time for all of Britain United to say NO under one umbrella. This daylight robbery and unaccountability to the people by politicians, government officials, Law Lords, councils and the banks cannot be allowed to betray both people and country.
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Breaking News Threat to Freedom and Democracy
Yesterday afternoon we received a letter from Westminster City Council stating that we are an unlawful obstruction on the pavement opposite the Houses of Parliament. Also to make certain they achieve their objective, they are applying to the High Court for an injunction. They want a written reply by 12pm this Friday 21st, that all articles will be removed by 5pm.We have no information regarding when they would act at the moment, but presumably, any-time after that.....
Peacestrike has occupied this area for the past 2 years with tents and display structures. To date, we have received no official complaints regarding obstruction, hygiene issues, or complaints regarding abusive or disruptive behaviour. We take pride in the management of our on-going 24hr demonstration and accept we have a social responsibility in keeping our area in good order.
Peacestrike also has two large box / plinth structures. One has been there since November 2009. We standby their legality, in keeping with the police dimensions stipulated in SOCPA ACT 2005.
Peacestrike has four SOCPA ACT 2005 authorisations at Parliament Square and one in Whitehall. The threat to these rights should be through new legislation. The repeal of SOCPA ACT 2005 is in proposed legislation contained in the 'Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill'. This is now reached committee stage in the House of Commons. They ask people to submit objections, recommendations and concerns, to the committee by Feb....... If passed by both Houses, it will not come into law until after the Royal wedding. This is due process and proper procedure, and allows time for people to organise a counter argument and open the discussion to all parties who may be affected by such legislation. We feel that the SOCPA ACT 2005 and the European Convention of Human Rights cannot be overturned by Highway legislation. besides,very few people venture onto Parliament Square since it has been fenced off since July 2010.
It seems that Westminster City Council and the Government wish to Pre-empt this law in order to rid themselves of demonstrations in Parliament Square right now. The problem is that in their haste, yet again, they are in great danger of 'Throwing the baby out with the bath water!'
We feel it necessary, due to the change in circumstances, to make this statement on behalf of the good people of this country who are unaware of the serious threat to our great history of protest. If we do not act now, 24hr overnight protest will be outlawed. The reasons the demonstrations at Parliament Square have gone on for so long is directly connected to our on-going wars and illegal occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. Remember, people, children, and soldiers are killed and seriously wounded every day!
We have a heavy burden of responsibility to get this right, as time is short. As yet, there has been no real opportunity for public opposition or debate. All the media has centred on the concerns of the Home Office, politicians, council, GLA, and the police. Do we really want our Government to send a message out to the world that protest is stifled and now timetabled and controlled. In emergencies people will naturally not want to go home, such as the Tamils in 2009. Emotions cannot, and never will be controlled by legislation, especially if the Government of the day is responsible for the atrocities. The people of the country always have a duty to express their concerns. We should always have the right to be angry and outraged. The Public Order Act 1980 has always been available to the police, if things get out of hand. Other countries do not share this great privilege,therefore because we can we must be the voice for the voiceless.
The Royal Family should be proud and protective of our heritage. We need to have a very frank and open discussion concerning this very important and historic right.
There are many examples of on-going demonstrations of similar standing throughout the world.
The Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra, Australia, which has been there for over 39 years, since 1972 . It will continue, until the full rights of the Aboriginal People are restored.
White House Peace Camp. A lady called Concepcion Picciotto has been outside the White House for 30 years, since 1981
Faslane Peace Camp, Argyll and Bute, Scotland. Established in 1984...... some 28 years ago!
Located by Faslane Nuclear Submarine Base.
Vancouver, Canada on-going protest, 4 years plus.
Recently won British Columbia Court of Appeal regarding Falun Gong on-going protest outside Chinese Consulate. Court over ruled Vancouver City Bylaws as unconstitutional, Oct 21st 2010.
Chinese Embassy......over 8 years....Portland Place London, 24hr, on-going....Falun Gong Practitioners. Started 5th June 2002.
Winnie the pig resided in a pen in Parliament Square, by the Churchill Statue, for 3 months between Feb – May 2000. There did not seem to be any objection at the time, indeed it would have been considered very British. Also, spent a day opposite Downing Street March 2008, and was visited by celebrities and MP's and Lord Tebbit. Maybe she was tolerated, as the pig could not talk back!
Democracy Village. Established in run up to election May1st, 2010 in Parliament Square, London. lasted 3 months. SOCPA ACT 2005 was never used.
Royalty and Politicians have to live in the real world where protest is essential to the Democratic process. We do not live in a sanitised country or world,nor would we want to. As long as protest is reasonable and peaceful, we feel we have every right to keep going....
We therefore invite Royalty, Politicians,Police, Council Officials, GLA, Journalists, Lawyers and Campaigners to a meeting in the House of Commons. We are trying to get a committee room made available as soon as possible. We are confident we can come to an amicable agreement to suit all parties concerned.
Without discussion there is no way forward.
If dialogue fails ,or is just ignored, then Peacestrike intends to stand firm at Parliament, regardless of the consequences.
Maria Gallastegui
Peacestrike Campaign
Parliament Square 0741 3036 769
Emails will be sent to parties concerned.
Peacestrike acknowledges that the Parliament Square Peace Campaign is a separate campaign, and may not share the same views as expressed by Peacestrike.